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The Psychological Impact of Debt on Financial Decisions
Debt is often seen purely as a financial issue—a matter of numbers, interest rates, and payments. However, the impact of debt extends far beyond the balance sheets, deeply affecting the psychological...
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Advanced Smith Manoeuvre Strategies: Maximizing Wealth Through Tailored Investment Techniques
The Smith Manoeuvre is a sophisticated Canadian financial strategy that allows homeowners to convert the interest on their home mortgage from non-deductible to deductible against their income. This...
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Cultivating Financial Discipline and the Role of the Smith Manoeuvre
Financial discipline is the cornerstone of wealth-building and financial freedom. It encompasses more than just budgeting or cutting expenses; it involves a comprehensive approach to managing your...
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Federal government unveils measures to improve housing market access
The federal government today unveiled new measures aimed at improving access to housing for first-time buyers. The announcement comes less than a week before the 2024...
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